Sunday, August 31, 2008

Absolutely the stupidest salvo in the war on terror to date

Do you drive, take pictures, travel, use a cellphone or use a computer? Guess what that makes you...

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Comcast to Place a Cap on Internet Downloads

Beginning Oct. 1, Comcast will put a 250 gigabyte-a-month cap on residential users. The limit will not affect most users, at least not in the short-term, but is certain to create tension as some technologies gain traction.

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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Police raid headquarters of RNC protesters

Police raided a rental hall used by a group organizing protests at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota, on Friday.

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What do our dreams mean?

Research suggests claims that dreams are top heavy with sex and religion might be wrong, and that most, as many as eight out of ten, are about mundane everyday concerns and interests such as parents, friends, driving, shopping and sport.

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Don't do it for me, do it for this poor guy! [pic]

Struggling against the waves, this polar bear faces almost certain death after becoming lost at sea in the Arctic.

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Heading to McD's for Big Macs.
Fucking cyclists completely coopted the road at the park today! >:-(
Farm parking lot being redone. Parked in new lot.

Friday, August 29, 2008

It's nice to have a couple days off to lie around anf do nothing.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Woman Called Yoda Blocked From Facebook

A woman claims she was blocked from joining Facebook because she has the same name as a famous Star Wars character.

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There are two stray kittens in my work's parking lot; a calico and orange. They are under 10 weeks old.
I stopped at Barnes and Noble and bought a picture book of Greece.
Stopped at Barnes and Noble and bought a picture book of Greece.
When I post on Howard Forums from my phone, it names the phone duncanmacleod. That's perfect for me.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Evicted! One-horse town to be no-horse town

This one-horse town looks like it's set to become a no-horse town.The owner of a 32-year-old horse named Peter Rabbit wasn't able to buck a local ban on livestock within city limits. After widespread publicity of the ban that threatened to kick Peter Rabbit off the pasture where he was born...

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Home again home again jigeddy jog.
--ORIGINAL MSG: Reuters_TopNews: U.S. assessing possible military aid to Georgia
At book store. Got books on Ancient Greece and history.
I'm deleting my Facebook account for refusing my mobile photo uploads!


This message is from a Virgin Mobile user. Enjoy.


Now off to Big Boy. Tater cakes await.
--ORIGINAL MSG: Reuters_TopNews: Georgia says recalls diplomatic staff from Russia

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Truck died on the road. What rotten luck.

Monday, August 25, 2008

FDA Threatens To Raid Cherry Orchards

As Americans struggle to eat a healthier diet, the FDA has taken draconian steps to suppress information about foods that reduce disease risk.

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Couple Offered Sex with Child for Used Car

A sordid San Antonio couple is accused of trying to trying to trade sex with the woman's 5-year-old daughter for an apartment, a used car and child care for her 10-month old daughter.

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I hate people walking in the road. That's what a sidewalk is for.

Uncovering The Dark Side of P4P

P4P is touted as the new and improved P2P. The technology has the potential to lower bandwidth costs for ISPs and speed up downloads for P4P enabled filesharing clients. There is a dark site to this new technology though. The strong anti-piracy connections are fuel for conspiracy theorists, and Net Neutrality might be at stake.

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Why the hell were there two cop cars in my neighborhood?
--ORIGINAL MSG: Reuters_TopNews: Pakistan's Sharif pulls party out of coalition
I can't wait for the Vancouver Games. Those will be so awesome.
The sun's up. I'm not.
Ugh I hate waking up at 6 AM.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Americans Reject Lowering Drinking Age by Large Margin

Bullshit MADD propaganda. Who exactly did they poll? People in the MADD office? Nationwide Insurance and MADD team up: has gone from a great grassroots org to a fascist prohibition promoting organization.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

On Campus, Legal Drinking Age Is Flunking the Reality Test

Next week, when President C.D. 'Dan' Mote welcomes freshmen to the University of Maryland, he will inform them that the college police will enforce underage drinking laws 'with terrific ferocity.' And then he will turn around and, recognizing that most students do drink, tell the teenagers 'to ta...

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Throttle The Package: Europe’s Fight for Net Neutrality

Defend Net Neutrality! Don’t force ISPs to spy on their customers in the name of copyright enforcement!

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Music, movie lobbyists push to spy on your Net traffic

Recording industry and motion picture lobbyists are renewing their push to convince broadband providers to monitor customers and detect copyright infringements, claiming the concept is working abroad and should be adopted in the United States.

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Washington Post: Bob Barr, the Master of a Curious Universe

In this lengthy article on Libertarian Party presidential nominee Bob Barr discusses his plans as president. Barr states that he would not sign any bills appropriating money to the United Nations. He would advocate against a Department of Education as well. He'd fight illegal immigration. Most of all, he'd shrink government and taxes.

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Copyright Crusaders to Launch Cyber Campaign

Critics of the Government's proposed changes to the Copyright Act have launched a Cyber crusade to fight the Controversial Copyright Bill.

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Texas officials want 8 sect kids back in foster care

SAN ANGELO, Texas (AP) - It's been more than two months since Texas child welfare authorities were ordered to return polygamist-sect children to their parents. Now, they want 8 of the youngsters put back in foster care.

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San Marcos Officer Paul Stephens Watches a Teacup Poodle Die

Please Digg as animal cruelty and police incompetence are issues near and dear to my heart.

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Pandora can't make money, may pull the plug

Pandora, one of the Internet's most popular streaming radio stations, may have to close its doors due to significant royalty payments owed to the music industry. One more last-ditch effort could save the day, but even Pandora's founder isn't optimistic.

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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Cranks out of ice cream. What the hell?
Glad to see some parents limit their kids. A lady reprimanded her daughter for throwing a bottle on the floor.
No nachos grande so burger instead.
Going to see if there are nachos.
The Kids' Cottage prooves that places can be sustainable and still comfortable.
Chilling in the Kids' Cottage. This is so cool. Sustainable, yet very comfy. I want to live here!
Just found out Justine passed away in the fall. I'll miss her.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Heading home now.
Portapotty to the rescue.
Found a place to park my fat ass.
Saw mounted cops on pretty gray and chestnut horses. They were too far away for a shot.
At official Woodward Dream Cruise. Nice and cool.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Went wrong way down Benjamin to find truck.
Loads of beautiful old cars. Many Bel Aires.
Walking down Webster to Woodward.
Thank God this week's over and one off is coming.
Tried to take a nap, but never fully fell asleep.
Tgif! Also Dream Cruise tonight! Old cars rule.
Howard Forums had no right to deny my login!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Driving down Woodward. All these old cars are fucking sweet.
On Woodward. All these old cars are fucking sweet.
Groceries acquired. Heading home. Saw monarch butterfly!
Going to drug store for conditioner and deodorant.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Online student-teacher friendships can be tricky

"Just the very fact that I have MySpace makes them think, 'Well, maybe we can talk to this guy and open the lines of communication, said Turner, who teaches English at South Middle School in Joplin, Missouri. "I realized this is a major way of communication for them."

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I love downloading 10 MB worth of security shit on dialsuck.
Still haven't heard which gymnastics team took bronze, nor about the 15 minute wait for our gymnast. Some coverage!
I think the judges were part of an international conspiracy to keep the US Womens Gymnastics team from winning gold.
The judges made one of the US gymnasts wait 15 minutes before her balance beam routine. Why?
Note to self: staying up till midnight when you wake up at 6:40 AM is not a good idea.
US Womens Gymnastics team took silver behind China in team. Wonder who got bronze.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Site has exceeded maximum number of redirects... What the hell?
Children should be made to do things for themselves. Coddling cripples them.

Best Buy Vending Machines Coming to Airports

Yes, you heard it right. Best Buy will start installing gadget vending machines in airports as a part of a new program called "Best Buy Express."

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Twitter Limits Following to 2,000

In an attempt to stop spammers, Twitter users can now only add up to 2,000 followers before being limited and receiving this error message: "You are unable to follow more people."

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Twitter Limits Following to 2,000

In an attempt to stop spammers, Twitter users can now only add up to 2,000 followers before being limited and receiving this error message: "You are unable to follow more people."

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Knight Rider on Sept. 24. The month-long wait is killing me!
Almost no sleep last night due to a tick in my right eyelid. It kept spasming, making sleep elusive.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Ex-chairs: FCC must stop "Victorian" indecency crusade

Two former Federal Communications Commission Chairs have asked the Supreme Court to shut down what they call the FCC's "Victorian crusade" against broadcasters.

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BSOD Strikes Bird's Nest During Torch Lighting

At the exact moment Li Ning was rounding the lip of the Bird's Nest during the amazing torch-lighting climax of the opening ceremonies, someone snapped this photo of our good friend the BSOD nestled amongst the Nest's steel twigs. Perhaps an Opening Cermonies IT dude spit out his coffee on the machines in the server room when Li took to the sky?

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I think it's wrong for Amazon and eBay to force people to pay electronically. All legit payments should be accepted.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The guys in green are rangers who lived in the colonies but were loyal to Britain.
Yesterday a storm canceled Colonial. Today will be different.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Props to Michael Phelps. Enjoy that gold!
Traffic slow on I96 east bound. What the hell?
Storm brings day 1 of Colonial Kensington to an end.
Just bought a gothic dagger, flute and flint arrowhead necklace.
First US flag was called the Congress Flag and had the British red ensign instead of the stars.
Bought a tomahawk, wooden dinosaur and scissors.
We're here a bit early. We have an hour to kill.
Going to Colonial Kensington. Should be fun. Hope rain holds off.
On our way to Colonial Kensington. Hope rain holds off.

Friday, August 8, 2008

When I'm out walking, I don't take kindly to people slowing down or pulling up by me and talking to me.
I hate it when people pull up alongside me and start shouting shit at me.
I hate it when people pull up alongside me and start shouting shit at me.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Major flaw with iPhones paralyzing users

Some are calling it the "White Apple Logo Screen of Death.” It's where the iPhone gets stuck in a loop and the only way to fix it is a factory restore, which takes several hours. The problem is really bad and I'm trying to spread the word that Apple needs to fix the problem now. Please Digg and give me a hand. Thanks.

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I can't believe the damn phone froze while I was typing!
I think it's wrong for Amazon to refuse to accept checks and money orders.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

We're getting a deadbolt.
Inner lock on our side door loose. Locksmith coming.
Inner lock on our side door loose. Locksmith coming.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Appeals court: First Amendment protects forum trolls too

Anonymous trolls on the Internet are allowed to remain anonymous, a judge in a California appeals court ruled yesterday. Not only that, but they're allowed to exercise their First Amendment rights and speak their minds, no matter how scathing their comments may be.

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EFF: MySpace suicide charges a threat to free speech

The Electronic Frontier Foundation, Center for Democracy and Technology, Public Citizen, and a group of 14 law professors have filed an amicus brief in the case against a mother who allegedly harassed a teenager on MySpace, driving the girl to suicide. The groups argue that, while the events were tragic, holding the mom criminally responsible could

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Judges: online comments by minors protected under Constitution

An Indiana Court of Appeals ruled this week in favor of a teenager who made vulgar comments on MySpace, saying that the state violated her right to free speech when they sentenced her to probation.

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EFF: MySpace suicide charges a threat to free speech

The Electronic Frontier Foundation, Center for Democracy and Technology, Public Citizen, and a group of 14 law professors have filed an amicus brief in the case against a mother who allegedly harassed a teenager on MySpace, driving the girl to suicide. The groups argue that, while the events were tragic, holding the mom criminally responsible could

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Police Seize Guns Before A Crime Is Committed

Another law for your own good: Using a unique state law, police in Connecticut have disarmed dozens of gun owners based on suspicions that they might harm themselves or others. The state's gun seizure law is considered the first and only law in the country that allows the confiscation of a gun before the owner commits an act of violence.

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School was closed. Had to vote at district office. Long hot walk.
Going to vote for Detroit Zoo.

Monday, August 4, 2008

I hope Mr. Freeman will be OK. Let us pray for a full recovery.

MPAA: Don't limit our ability to close analog outputs

The Motion Picture Association of America took its crusade for selectable output control (SOC) to the next level on Thursday, responding to critics in the FCC's proceeding on the matter. The MPAA's July 31 filing takes particular exception to suggestions that the agency lift its prohibition on SOC on a two-year trial basis, ... read more

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Man Prowls NYC Streets looking for Cops Breaking the Law

He calls himself "Jimmy Justice," a self-styled "cop-arazzi," armed only with a video camera as he prowls the streets of New York looking for law enforcement officers who are breaking the law. His targets are illegally parked city government vehicles -- particularly cars of traffic cops blocking bus stops, sitting in "no parking" zones or double-pa

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Warning Sign: Metered Broadband Already a Hassle

We've talked before that metered access is a boneheaded idea that is bad for innovation, bad for Microsoft and Google, and ultimately bad for you. Until today, the idea seemed like an eventuality, not an immediate reality.

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Found a treasure trove of US history books in someone's garbage. Heavy.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

What if Apple stopped issuing DRM keys?

It happened to Microsoft and Yahoo. Could it happen to Apple?The limitations of antipiracy software were dramatically illustrated last week when Yahoo Music announced the company would stop issuing authorization keys for the software that prevents its songs from being copied.

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A day like this is what was called a halcyon day in classic literature.
Rudy's tongue feels like sandpaper.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Open letter to Customs and Border Protection

I'm going to be upfront and honest and ask what the hell business you people think you have snooping in people's laptops, MP3 players, cell phones etc. How can you even begint to justify invading the privacy of tax paying citizens this way?

What data we carry with us is our private business and none of yours! Do your job of protecting the borders, but leave my property the hell alone!

Mess with a wolf and you will be bitten!

Homeland Security: We Can Hold Laptops Indefinitely!!!

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has concocted a remarkable new policy: It reserves the right to seize for an indefinite period of time laptops taken across the border.A pair of DHS policies from last month say that Customs agents can routinely -- as a matter of course

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Which "Dark Knight" Character Are You?

Which ''Dark Knight'' Character Are You?
You're Batman/Bruce Wayne
You're Batman/Bruce Wayne
You seem to have to all... on the surface that is-- the looks, the charm, the dough, and the superhuman powers. But you soon realize that all of that isn't what matters without love... which, as they say, conquers all. Sometimes, though, you can't have both... doing the right thing in your heart versus the thing that everyone will love you for aren't always the same. Something is going to have to give, unfortunately and that's likely a lesson you'll have to learn the hard way.

Take the quiz!

What Type of Cell Phone Are You?

What Type of Cell Phone Are You?
You're the Clamshell Flip Phone
You're the Clamshell Flip Phone
Just like the T-Mobile Sidekick or the Verizon Voyager, you're the fun-loving type who likes to flip around. You're always on the go and a fly by the seat of your pants type of person so you need a cell that can accommodate that. You love that the screen can do a 180, as your life tends to, as well.

Take the quiz!

What Cell Phone Are You?

The BlackBerry!!!!!!

You are very organized and you are a leader. But when it comes to fights and disagreements you are the one to bow out and make peace!!!!!!

Are You a Cell Phone Addict?

Are You A Cellphone Addict

According to our experts, you scored :

58% which makes you An Addict

Face it, you are addicted to your cellphone. What did you ever do before cellphones existed? Addmiting your problem is the first step to recovery though.
Take the Are You A Cellphone Addict quiz at

Functional Cell Phones - Cell Phone Personality Quiz - Mobiledia

Functional Cell Phones - Cell Phone Personality Quiz - Mobiledia

Functional Cell Phones

You're all about the substance than the flash. Chances are you've got a schedule to keep, and you don't need hassles in your way. Not one for overly risky ventures, you probably prefer the tried and true. There's something nice about predictability and knowing what you can count on and what to be prepared for.

To you, time should be spent with people and on doing the things you want to do, more than the way in which you do it. And you want a phone for talking to people you care about.

So whether you're on your way to work, picking up a friend for dinner, or making plans to save the world, you want reliability - a device that you can depend on to get the job done.

You don't need all the bells and whistles, and just want something that you can count on to work. A phone is a way to communicate with friends and family. If you wanted a camera, radio, or organizer with it, you probably would have already bought one. Concentrate on finding a device with an external antenna. And without all the gadgets and accessories, you can focus on what really matters, reception.

Friday, August 1, 2008

What part of "Our house burned" does Verizon not understand?

Couple's house burns to the ground. They ask Verizon to transfer their phone number to their temporary quarters during rebuild. No can do, says Verizon, but they can have the number FORWARDED as long as the request is made by the couple FROM a phone in the house … that … burned … to … the … ground. (Sigh.)

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Canada seeks industry, not consumer input on secret treaty

The controversial Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement has been shrouded in more secrecy than seems healthy. As a major negotiating meeting wraps up today in Washington, news also emerged that Canada planned to give industry groups exclusive access to the text of the agreement and the negotiators, but it didn't bother to ask civil liberties groups.

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Wrong freeway exit puts me in Detroit instead of Oak Park.
Any government thug who thinks he's going to search my computer can go fuck himself!
What the hell right does CBP have to search people's computers when they enter the country?